суббота, 3 марта 2012 г.

Teens most likely to succeed: these three teens know that success means more than just making the grade. They've each found a way to apply their unique talents toward helping others.(Elise Bascom, Richard Zhang and Trevor Rorie )

* Elise Bascom

Lakota East High School

Hamilton, Ohio

Grade 12

Kindness from the Heart

When she's not busy with schoolwork, student government, the school play, or any of the other extracurricular activities that fill her schedule, Elise Bascom is probably crocheting.

She doesn't crochet just to relax. Elise is president of Afghans from the Heart, a club she started to help brighten the lives of elderly citizens. Club members create the afghans and visit local senior homes, making friends with the residents and giving them the beautiful lap blankets.

Inspired by Elise's involvement in RASKALS (Random Acts of Simple Kindness Affecting Local Seniors) Afghans from the Heart has made more than 150 blankets in the past year.

Elise describes her most touching moment: "One man would …

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