NEW YORK - In most boldface-name paternity disputes, men denythey're the baby-daddy. But in a he said/he said twist to the AnnaNicole Smith tabloid saga, two guys are claiming to be the father ofher baby girl.
Smith's lawyer and boyfriend, Howard K. Stern, says he is thefather of Dannie Lynn Hope, born Sept. 7. Smith and Stern haveexchanged non-legal vows and say they plan to officially tie theknot.
But Smith's ex-boyfriend, photographer Larry Birkhead, says HE isthe dad and has filed a lawsuit demanding that she and the babyreturn to California for DNA testing. He also wants the baby testedfor drugs. Smith was served with court papers Monday in the Bahamas,Birkhead's attorney, Debra Opri, said.
Two wannabe dads, one mother.
Is this normal, or does Smith have some 'splaining to do?
"Generally, the guy doesn't want to step forward because he'sgoing to end up paying child support," said California-based divorceattorney Connolly Oyler.
"And many paternity suits filed by women are out of disappointmentthat, 'He told me he loved me and we went to bed, and I'm pregnant.He ran.'
"Those are the typical situations ... It's usually a one-on-onesituation. Very seldom (do) you have a multiple."
The 38-year-old former Playboy playmate and celebrity widow wentto the Bahamas to give birth to Dannie. Three days after Dannie wasborn, her 20-year-old son, Daniel Smith, died of an accidental lethalcombination of methadone and two antidepressants, according to aprivate autopsy.
Eighteen days after that, Smith and Stern exchanged vows on acatamaran near Nassau but there was no formal marriage. Peoplemagazine bought photos of the event and will feature them in its nextissue, according to Smith's attorney, Michael Scott.
Oyler said if DNA testing confirms Birkhead to be the "bio-dad,"or biological father, then he can get visitation rights and perhapseven joint custody. He also could get "a huge amount for childsupport," based on a formula that compares incomes.
That's a nice incentive, considering Smith's wealth - but it's notthe right one, Opri said. Birkhead "truly wants to be involved inthat child's life. This is his first child and he does not want tolose that child. And that's why we're doing all this," she said.
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